Where to start
You need to start by phoning your local council for lists of local allotments (societies/associations). Types of councils which might be linked to you may be;
- District
- Borough
- City
- Parish
An easy way to find which local council you are link to, go onto the government’s ‘ Apply for an allotment ’ page and type in your post code within the search facility. This will give you contact information for your local council. They will be able to provide a list of local allotments, from there you can add your name to a number of different sites close to you.
Which allotment site is best for you
When you have been given a list of allotment sites to choose from, you need to think about the benefits of each of the sites. Things to think about are;
- How far from your home is it?
- Does it have good access and parking within or around the allotment?
- Is the allotment secure?
- Does the allotment have a shop?
- Does it have a toilet on site?
Which plot is best for you
As of 2016, plots have become very popular, so when you get notified from the local allotment association about a plot becoming vacant, please do not jump in head first. There are a number of points to consider, which are;
- Is the plot overgrown?
- Does it have the dreaded;
- Horsetail
- Bindweed
- Ground Elder
- Couch Grass
- Does the plot have pathways?
- Is it close to a water point?
- Does it have a shed in reasonable condition?
- Is it close to a roadway, which can be used in the delivery of manure?
For further information about finding your allotment or choosing your plot, please click here .